Monday, October 22, 2012

Book Pass

I follow the blog, Shelf Consumed at I read about her book pass lesson and thought I'd try it out with some of my classes.

The basic idea is to work with the teacher to pull books from the shelf from different genres and place them on the tables for students to view and make a "To Read List" or "Wish List". I placed table numbers on each table and placed 7 books of different genres on each table. Students were asked to bring their reading notebooks or "Wish List" to the library. We discussed how to choose books before we began the activity. I used my lovely timer to give the students 5 minutes at each table to view the books. After the time was up, each group rotated to another table.

At first, I was very nervous about how it would go and the transitions from table to table. The students absolutely loved the activity and wrote down so many titles. They wanted the books immediately and some had to be placed on waiting lists for the books. The teachers were pleased with the activity as well. They think it is a great idea, too.

I enjoyed seeing the students getting excited about the books and clamoring to get in line for the books. I had a student say, "There are so many good books in the library". That made me smile.

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