Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sorry everyone, I got tied up with work and personal issues and dropped the ball on my blog. Hopefully, things will be better this year.

I am starting out this school year without an aide, which has been a bit hectic to say the least. I will be getting an aide in the next couple of weeks, which will be a blessing.

More to come soon!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fantastic Fiction

If you are looking for the books in a series or can't remember what book comes first, second, third, and so on...

Looking for other books by an author...

This is the website for you! I use it almost daily.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Protecting Paperback Books

Paperback books get mistreated. It bothered me to spend library funds on paperbacks, when I knew how mistreated they were and that their shelf-life is relatively short. A library aide at another campus shared her method of prolonging the life of paperbacks and I haven't looked back since.

You will need scissors, a book, roll of transparent contact paper, and a food scraper. I roughly measure out the contact paper to fit the book and cut it.

Partially peel the backing from the contact paper. Place the contact paper slightly over the edge of the book cover. Use the food scraper to smooth out any are bubbles and adhere the contact paper to the book cover.
At each corner, cut diagonally across the contact paper. Also cut diagonally at each corner nearest the spine. Then fold over each flap onto the inside cover of the book. Use the food scraper to smooth about any air bubbles and adhere the contact paper. 
Finish peeling the backing from the contact paper and cover the spine and opposite cover with the contact paper. Repeat the above steps. Finally, trim the excess flaps at the top and bottom of the book's spine.

Library vendors such as Demco and the Library Store sell individually cut-self adhesive book covers if you have the budget for them. They are definitely a time saver and easier to use, but I still use both materials depending on the size of the book that needs covering.
Hope this helps protect your paperbacks!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Inspired design

I was looking at my drab plant holders around the library and decided to jazz them up a little.

I laminated some book jackets and wrapped them around the pots. It took two book jackets per plant.

It does liven up the library and I have received several compliments and comments on the idea and books advertised.

It really is a small idea that has a big impact and adds a little pizazz to the library.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Book Trailers

To ease back into things after the winter break, I am showing to my classes book trailers for books I have in the library. I have them bring their reading notebooks so they can write down a reading wish list. I am able to access YouTube at school, so I have created a playlist of various book trailers that I have found via YouTube.

I have to watch them all in their entirety to make sure they are appropriate for my students. My playlist is public, so here is the link. I add things throughout the month as I find them.

I do not add trailers for books I do not currently have in the library.